劳民伤财的英语:harass the people and waste money; be a sheer waste of energy and money; exhaust [exploit] the people and drain the treasury; spend blood and treasure; tire the people and drain the treasury; waste mo...
劳民伤财的法语:fatiguer le peuple et gaspiller l'argent;faire abus des ressources humaines et matérielles
劳民伤财的俄语:[láomín shāngcái] обр. расточать людские и материальные ресурсы
劳民伤财什么意思:láo mín shāng cái 【解释】既使人民劳苦,又耗费钱财。现也指滥用人力物力。 【出处】《易·节》:“不伤财,不害民。” 【示例】天下闻风皆争进奇巧,则~自此始矣。(明·余继登《典故纪闻》卷二) 【拼音码】lmsc 【灯谜面】石板上植树 【用法】联合式;作谓语、定语;含贬义 【英文】harass the people and drain the treasury