- 言为心声什么意思:yán wéi xīn shēng 【解释】言语是思想的反映,从一个人的话里可以知道他的思想感情。【出处】汉·扬雄《法言·问神》:“故言,心声也;书,心画也。声画形,君子小人见矣。”【示例】~,从一个人平时的言谈之中,就可以了解他的思想状况。【拼音码】ywxs【灯谜面】诉衷情【用法】主谓式;作主语、宾语、分句;用于书面语【英文】words are the voice of the mind
- 言为心声的英语:words are the voice of the mind.; language is the dress of thought.; one's words are reflection of one's thinking.; speech is the voice of the soul.; what the heart thinks the tongue speaks.; when the heart is afire, some sparks will fly out at the mouth.; words are symbol of thought 短语和例子人的心理真是奇妙,言为心声一点不假。 a person's psychology is a subtle thing. how true it is that words are echoes of the heart
- 言为心声的日语:〈成〉言葉は心の表れである.
- 言为心声的韩语:【성어】 말은 마음의 소리이다;말은 생각을 나타낸다.
- 言为心声的俄语:pinyin:yánwéixīnshēngв словах звучит голос сердца; в словах выражаются мысли