- 星罗棋布什么意思:xīng luó qí bù 【解释】象天空的星星和棋盘上的棋子那样分布着。形容数量很多,分布很广。【出处】汉朝班固《西都赋》:“列卒周匝,星罗云布。”【示例】海面上到处都是渔船,入夜,渔火点点,~。【拼音码】xlqb【灯谜面】夏夜对弈【用法】联合式;作谓语、定语、状语;形容数量多分布广【英文】spread all over the place be dotted like stars in the sky and scattered like the pieces on a chessboard
- 星罗棋布的英语:scattered all over like stars in the sky or men on a chessboard; spread all over the place; spread out like stars and chess pieces; scatter here and there; scattered like stars; scattered about in every direction; spread out and scatter about like stars in the sky or chessmen on the chessboard; scattered everywhere; dotted around like stars in the sky, scattered like the pieces on a chessboard; as numerous as stars and checkers on the chessboard; star-stud-ded 短语和例子中国沿海岛屿星罗棋布。 islands are scattered all along china's coastline like stars in the sky
- 星罗棋布的法语:dispersé comme les étoiles dans le ciel et les pions sur un échiquier;être parsemé de...
- 星罗棋布的日语:〈成〉(星や碁石のように)多く広く分布している.星罗棋布的工业网 wǎng /密度の高い工業網.
- 星罗棋布的韩语:【성어】 별처럼 늘어서고 바둑알처럼 널리다;사방에 총총 분포되다.
- 星罗棋布的俄语:[xīngluó qíbù] обр. быть густо усеянным; густая сеть (чего-либо)