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  • 恨之入骨什么意思:hèn zhī rù gǔ 【解释】形容痛恨到极点。【出处】明·冯梦龙《东周列国志》第十七回:“蔡哀侯始知中了息侯之计,恨之入骨。”【示例】那知府亦~,一处处弄得天怒人怨,在他自己始终亦莫明其所以然。(清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》第四十二回)【拼音码】hzrg【用法】偏正式;作谓语;形容痛恨到极点【英文】hate one's guts
  • 恨之入骨的英语:hate someone to the core [marrow]; cherish bitter hatred; consumed with hatred for ...; harbour an intense [bitter] hatred (for sb.); hate ... like anything; hate ... like poison; hate sb. to the marrow of one's bones; hate with all one's soul; have a deep-seated hatred (for sb.); (his) hatred goes to (his) marrow.; hatred has penetrated the bones.; hatred is so bitter that ..
  • 恨之入骨的法语:haine qui pénètre jusqu'à la moelle des os;haine profonde;haine invétérée
  • 恨之入骨的日语:てっていてきにうらむ徹 底 的 に恨 む
  • 恨之入骨的韩语:☞[恨入骨髓]
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