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  • 孤掌难鸣什么意思:gū zhǎng nán míng 【解释】一个巴掌拍不响。比喻力量孤单,难以成事。【出处】《韩非子·功名》:“人主之患在莫之应,故曰:一手独拍,虽疾无声。”【示例】为见解珍、解宝是个好汉,有心要救他,史是单丝不线,~,只报得他一个信。(明·施耐庵《水浒全传》第四十九回)【拼音码】gznm【灯谜面】一只手儿拍不响【用法】主谓式;作谓语、定语;用于势力单薄【英文】A single hand cannot do clapping
  • 孤掌难鸣的英语:cannot clap with one hand; alone and helpless; a single palm cannot clap.; it is difficult [impossible] to make a clap with one palm [hand].; it's hard to succeed without support.; one can hardly do much single-handed.; one who stands alone has no power.; single-handed and helpless; the effort of an individual does not count much.; the voice of one man is the voice of no one.; to effect this single-handed was too difficult
  • 孤掌难鸣的法语:une seule main ne peut résonner./il est difficile d'obtenir le succès sans appui/un homme isolé est voué à l'échec.
  • 孤掌难鸣的日语:〈成〉片手では手は鳴らせない.一人だけでは何もできないたとえ.
  • 孤掌难鸣的韩语:【성어】 한쪽 손바닥만으로는 울리지 못한다;혼자서는 일을 이루지 못한다. =[一只手掌拍不响]
  • 孤掌难鸣的俄语:[gūzhǎng nánmíng] обр. одной рукой в ладоши не захлопаешь; один в поле не воин
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