- 唯命是从什么意思:wéi mìng shì cóng 【解释】是命令就服从,不敢有半点违抗。【出处】《左传·昭公十二年》:“今周与四国服事君王,将唯命是从,岂其爱鼎?”【拼音码】wmsc【用法】动宾式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含贬义【英文】be at somebody's bidding
- 唯命是从的英语:do sb.'s bidding; accept sb.'s instructions without a murmur; be absolutely obedient; be at sb.'s beck and call; be at sb.'s disposal; be at sb.'s service; be guided entirely by the orders of ...; be under sb.'s thumb; dance [pipe] to sb.'s tune; do everything as one is told; follow the dictates of others; listen to and attend to sb.'s every order
- 唯命是从的法语:marcher au doigt et à l'œilobéir au doigt et à l'œil
- 唯命是从的韩语:☞[惟命是听]