远处是漠漠的平原 a great plain in the distanc... |
远处是连绵一片的草原 There is a reach of grasslan... |
远处有人在呼唤我们 Somebody is calling us in th... |
远处有无数盏灯像星星一样闪烁 A myriad of lights twinkled ... |
远处灯光一闪 There was a flash of light i... |
远处的歌声随风飘送到我们耳中 A distant song was wafted to... |
远处的鼓声 a distant drum |
远处雷声咕隆咕隆地响 Thunder rumbled in the dista... |
远大 long-range |
远大的志向 lofty ideals |
远大的志向鞭策着他 The great ambition is spurri... |
远大的理想 lofty ideals |
远大的计划 a long-range plan |
远客 a guest from afar traveller |
远射程炮 long-range gun |
远小人 keep away from the mean and ... |
远山被云雾遮掩着 The distant hills were envel... |
远山近水 the faraway mountains and ne... |
远岫 a distant hill |
远征 expedition |
远征军 expeditionary army |
远征某一国家 an expedition to a country |
远志 great and far-reaching ambit... |
远恶近善 keep away from the evil and ... |
远战 distant fight |