- a great plain in the distance
- 远处 distance
- 是 Semantics
- 漠漠 misty; foggy
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 平原 plain; flatlands; flat count ...
- 漠漠的烟雾 a thick mist2
- 漠漠 1.(云烟密布的样子) misty; foggy 漠漠的烟雾 a thick mist2.(广漠而沉寂) vast and lonely 黄沙漠漠 a vast stretch of yellow sand; 远处是漠漠的平原 a great plain in the distance
- 辽阔的平原 a vast plain
- 起伏的平原 rolling plains
- 亚洲的平原 the asiatic plains
- 远处是连绵一片的草原 there is a reach of grassland in the distance
- 远处是一片黑糊糊的树林 a dark mass of trees loomed in the distance
- 长满草的平原 grass plains
- 火在远处是明灯,它在近处烧灼人 The fire which lights up at a distance will burn us when near.
- 火在远处是明灯火在近处烧灼人 the fire which lights us at a distance will burn us when near. cauterization
- 火在远处是明灯它在近处烧灼人 the fire which lights up at a distance will burn us when near
- 冲蚀形成的平原 corrasion plain
- 积满淤泥的平原 silt-covered flat country
- 具侵蚀坑的平原 etch-pitted plain
- 远处 distance 那海岬伸向海洋远处。 the cape extends far into the ocean
- 波希米亚的平原与森林 from bohemias meadows and forests
- 黄沙漠漠 a vast stretch of yellow sand
- 何处是 ubi sunt
- 淡漠的 apathic; indifferent
- 荒漠的 desert