远征 expedition 远征某一国家 an expedition to a country; 派遣一支远征队 dispatch an expedition; 自愿参加远征 (队) volunteered to join the expedition; 他们出发去进行一次危险的远征。 they started on a dangerous expedition.; 远征军 expeditionary army
He was immediately to assume command of the whole allied expedition . 他将立掌全部盟国远征军之兵符。
The british expeditionary force was no more than a symbolic contribution . 英国远征军不过是一种象征性的支援。
You don't believe in the american rescue expedition everyone's talking about ? 大家都在谈美国派援救远征军,你相信吗?
British situation was vastly improved by miraculous evacuation of b.e.f . 英国的局势由于英国远征军奇迹般的撤退而大大改善了。
The expedition should be as exclusively american in complexion as it was possible to make it . 应尽可能使远征军在表面上是由美国单独负责。
I tentatively decided, unless conditions should improve, to divert the expedition into gibraltar . 我临时决定,除非情况转佳,将远征军开向直布罗陀。
No subordinate commander in the expedition could legally have accepted an order from general giraud . 远征军所属的指挥官,无一能正式接受吉罗德将军的命令。
In the early fall admire ramsay was relieved by the british chief of staff as the naval commander of the expedition . 秋初,雷姆赛海军上将被英国参谋总长免去远征军海军总司令之职。
Since the old trenches had been dug several feet deep, modeled on the original trenches of the old countemptibles around ypres . 因为那些老战壕是效仿“英国远征军”沿伊普雷的战壕挖成的,有好几尺深。