预算外投资 extrabudgetary investment |
预算外收入 receipts not covered in the ... |
预算外资金 extrabudgetary funds |
预算委员会 budget committee |
预算年度 budget year |
预算总收入 total budgetary revenue |
预算执行情况 implementation of the budget |
预算拨款 budget allocations |
预算支出 budget outlays |
预算收入 budgeted revenue |
预算收支平衡 budgeted revenue and expendi... |
预算方案 budget program |
预算法 budget act |
预算盈余 budget surplus |
预算程序 budget process |
预算税额 estimated assessment |
预算经费 budgetary resourses |
预算节余 budget surplus |
预算草案 draft budget |
预算赤字 budget deficit |
预算递减 a decrease of budget |
预算项目 budget items |
预约 make an appointment |
预约会见某人 meet sb. by appointment |
预缴出口外汇 advance surrender of export ... |