A study on the evaluation index system of acquisition risk management for weapon and equipment 关于建立中国科学院预算拨款制度的研究和探讨
“ this project is extremely important , but it has no budget , no guidelines , no support staff and it ' s due tomorrow morning “这个项目非常重要,但是没有预算拨款,没有标准,没有员工支持,而且明天早晨就要完成。
How to assure the exactness of finance funds , and forbid appropriation fouds exceeding budget have been a key problem in the subsystem 在预算指标管理系统中,如何保证财政资金的绝对准确,杜绝超预算和无预算拨款,成为系统的一个核心问题。
Whether consideration will be given to formulating policy to implement the above proposal ; if so , of the estimated amount of funds to be allocated for this purpose , and whether sufficient funds will be provided for each primary school ; and 会否考虑制订政策落实上述建议若然,预算拨款总额为何,及会否提供足够的拨款予每间小学及
Of the $ 1 . 4 million increase in provision , $ 1 . 2 million is budgeted for possible technical feasibility studies that may be required for the identification of potential sites for heliports and helicopter supporting facilities 在增加的140万元预算拨款中,有120万元会用于在直升机机场和直升机支援设施选址过程中可能需要进行的技术可行性研究。
In line with the establishment of the national innovation system and the management of the pilot projects of the knowledge innovation progeam in cas , it is proposed in this article that the establishment of an improved budget appropriation system is an effective approach to shift the organizational management from micro - management fo macromanagement . this system , as is pointed out in this article , is a priority to enhance the ability of self - regulation and self - development in cas institutions and also a key to the reform of current scientific research management system and operational mechanism 本文结合国家创新体系建立和中国科学院知识创新试点工程工作的管理,提出了建立完善预算拨款制度是实现机关管理从微观管理向宏观管理转变的有效方式,也是提高中国科学院院属单位自我约束、自我发展的必要条件;是目前科研管理体制及运行机制改革的重点。
The author of this article also delves into the possible double effects for management brought ablut by the establishment of an improved budget appropriantionsystem . one is thd shift of operational mechanism from micro - management to the strategic and target - oriented management : and the other is to enable the leaders of research institutions to have more power for self - decision in the hope of achieving their goals in reform 作者探讨研究了建立完善预算拨款制度可以产生双重管理效果,一是转变机关管理的职能,从微观事务性管理解脱出来,考虑一些战略性、方向性的重大问题;二是使研究单位的领导有更多的自主权,实现他们的改革目标。