

  • budget performance
  • budgetary performance
  • budgeted performance
  • performance of budget



  • 例句与用法
  • 10 to examine and approve the state budget and the report on its implementation
  • Article 69 a government at any level shall , at least twice within each budgetary year , make reports on the budget implementation to the people ' s congress at the corresponding level or its standing committee
  • This article expresses the principle of internal financial analysis report . this article researches object of internal financial analysis report , such as cash flux , budget , assets , obligation and so on
  • Through analysis , the thesis comes to four conclusions : first , the year 2002 budget performance is preppy good ; second , the moa institutional units are highly dependent on the appropriation fund , self - supporting ability is rather week ; third , one institutional unit differs too widely from another in the actual financial strength ; fourth , some financial management problems are still obvious in one or two institutions
  • The people ' s congress of a township , nationality township or town which has established budget shall examine and approve the budget at the corresponding level and the report on the implementation of the budget at the corresponding level , supervise the implementation of the budget at the corresponding level , examine and approve the adjustment plan for the budget at the corresponding level , examine and approve the final accounts at the corresponding level , and annul inappropriate decisions and orders made by the government at the corresponding level on budget or final accounts
  • Article 13 a local people ' s congress at or above the county level shall examine the draft general budget at the corresponding level and the report on the implementation of the general budget , approve the budget and the report on its implementation at the corresponding level , alter or annuls inappropriate resolutions made by the standing committee of the people ' s congress at the corresponding level on budget or final accounts , and annuls inappropriate decisions and orders made by the government at the corresponding level on budget or final accounts
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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