预备 prepare | 预备人员 understudy | 预备会员 associate | 预备会议 preparatory meeting | 预备党员 probationary member of the P... | 预备役 reserve duty | 预备时间 readiness time | 预备期 probationary period | 预备活动 prolusion | 预备知识 pre-knowledge | 预备考试 prepare for an exam | 预备警报 yellow alert | 预备轮胎 stepney | 预备金 reserve fund | 预备队 reserve force | 预备队员 reserve | 预备饭 get a meal ready | 预存 prestore | 预存款项 advanced payment | 预定 fix in advance | 预定去大连的船票 book one's passage to Dalian | 预定旅馆凭单 hotel voucher | 预审 antecedent trial | 预审审判员 preliminary judge | 预审庭 preliminary hearing court |
| 预审法官 investigating magistrate | 预审程序 inquisitional procedure | 预展 preview | 预应力 prestress | 预应力构件 prestressed component | 预应力混凝土 prestressed concrete | 预想 anticipate | 预想的结果 anticipated results | 预想粒子 postulated particle | 预想结果 potential result | 预感 forebode | 预报 forecast | 预报地震 predict earthquake | 预支 advance | 预支信用证 anticipatory letter of credi... | 预支给他一个月的工钱 pay him a month salary in ad... | 预支薪金 prepay salary | 预支费用 prepaid expenses | 预料 expect | 预料不到地 unexpectedly | 预期 expect | 预期利益 anticipated profits | 预期很快能恢复交通 Traffic is expected to be re... | 预测 calculate | 预测台风 detect a typhoon |