The comparative analysis of the features of procedures in pre - trial of criminal cases 刑事预审程序特征的比较法分析
The way is to learn from britain and america , and to establish an examihing - justice system 就应借鉴英、美的预审程序。
Finally , it detailedly explains the duty of examining justice , the starting and enfering way of inquisitional procedure , and the main content of the inquisition 对预审法官的职责、预审程序的启动、实施方式、审查的主要内容等问题作了详尽诠释。
We should reform and perfect the pre - court examination procedure of public prosecution case in our country by re - selecting trial model , setting up pre - court examination procedure and delegating the prejudication duty to court that file the case 应通过重新选择审查模式,设立预审程序并由立案庭承担预审职责等途径对我国公诉案件庭前审查程序进行改革和完善。
Establishing the pre - trial review procedure after the procuratorial agency ' s prosecution and before the official court trial , is the particular requirements and performance of fairness and efficiency while designing and performancing the criminal system as well as the reasonable restriction to the national power of prosecution and the proper safeguard to the dependant ` s rights in the modern society 我国1996年刑事诉讼法对原庭前审查制度作了较大修改,其弱化庭前审查程序并不符合各国立法的一般发展趋势。针对现行刑事诉讼庭前审查程序中存在的诸多缺陷,文章最后提出了建构我国刑事预审程序的若干设想。
The pre - trial review aims to , not to solve the question whether the defendant is guilty or not in advance , but to investigate according to the facts and the law whether the suitable reasons or the basis of accusing the defendant exist , so as to secure the reasonablitiy and justification of the criminal prosecution . although the pre - trial review procedure is not the independent procedure just like the investigation , prosecution and adjudication , but is the indispensable part of the complete trial procedure 本文比较分析了外国刑事庭前审查程序的特点及程序价值,在此基础上探讨庭前审查的性质、功能和原则,认为预审程序是对公诉权滥用的有效制约机制,应坚持程序参与、程序公开、控辩平等、效率的基本原则,并充分发挥程序过滤、程序分流、证据开示、明确争点、程序准备五大功能。
2 . 3 the procedure of evidence discovery and sanction against the infringement 2 . 3 . 1 a brief introduction to the evidence discovery in the us and japan , for instance , as an important part of pre - court procedure in the us , prosecutors must disclose the relevant evidence to defendant even though the defendant gives up the pre - court or the pre - court procedure is absent in certain circumstances (三)证据展示的程序以及违法制裁介绍美、日证据展示程序情况,如在美国属预审程序的一项重要内容,即使被告放弃预审或不需预审的情况出现,检察官也必须对需在审理中使用的证据对被告告之。