Committal for trial is the determination of examining justices . 押交审判是预审法官作出的决定。
The argument of whether the investigating magistrate should be retained ordismissed 法国预审法官存废之争
It also expounds the value of pritrial system and the basic pattern of examining - justic system 建立预审法官制度,接着论述了预审制度的价值取向和预审法官制度的基本模式。
Part iv guarantee of examining - justice system this part maps out a design in china ' s examining - jus t ice system 四、预审法官制度的制度保障本部分就我国建立预审法官制度所需要的程序保障措施作了一个设计。
Finally , it detailedly explains the duty of examining justice , the starting and enfering way of inquisitional procedure , and the main content of the inquisition 对预审法官的职责、预审程序的启动、实施方式、审查的主要内容等问题作了详尽诠释。
Then , the author puts forward suggestions about amending regulations of chinese preliminary examination , such as setting up the system of chinese investigating magistrate 在此基础上,提出了“建立我国预审法官制度”等完善我国刑事庭前审查程序的构想。
Hardly had the door closed when villefort threw himself half - fainting into a chair . " alas , alas , " murmured he , " if the procureur himself had been at marseilles i should have been ruined . this accursed letter would have destroyed all my hopes 过了一会他喃喃地说: “啊,我的上帝,假如检察官此时在马赛,假如刚才不是叫我,而是找到了预审法官,那可就全完了,这封告发信,差点把我打入十八层地狱。
To establish such a system , the following problems must be solved : a ) prosecuting attorney should be the party concerned ; b ) the evidence - showing system should be established ; c ) inegal evidences should be excluded ; d ) the attorney ' s right should be ensured 指出,要在我国建立预审法官制度,必须解决以下问题: ( 1 )实现检察官的当事人化; ( 2 )确立证据展示制度( 3 )实行非法证据排除规则( 4 )保障律师权利。
The following aspects , such as setting prejudication judger system , rationally collocating the rights and incumbency of pretrial both sides , establishing force answer system for appellee and mounting pretrial meeting system , should be the basic breakthrough point for perfecting the pretrial procedure system of our country 应从设置预审法官制度、合理配置审前各方的权利义务、建立强制被告答辩制度、设置审前会议制度等方面作为基本切入点完善我国的审前程序机制。