哼着歌哄孩子睡觉 croon the baby to sleep | 哼鸣 hum | 哼鸣调整 hum adjustment | 哽 choke | 哽不成声 voice failed. | 哽咽 choke with sobs | 哽咽难言 choke with sobs and be unabl... | 哽哽咽咽 groan in sorrow and tears | 哿 approve | 唁 extend condolences | 唁函 letter of condolence | 唁电 message of condolences | 唆 instigate | 唆人作恶 lead man astray | 唆使 instigate | 唆使某人做某事 instigate sb. to do sth. | 唆使某人犯罪 abet a man in a crime | 唆使者 instigator | 唇 lip | 唇亡齿寒 If the lips are gone,the tee... | 唇吻 lips eloquence | 唇外翻 chilectropion | 唇干口燥 one's lips are dry and one's... | 唇式麦克风 a lip microphone | 唇枪舌剑 cross verbal swords |
| 唇枪舌战 have a verbal battle with sb... | 唇枯舌烂 talk oneself hoarse | 唇枯舌焦 One's lips and tongue become... | 唇瓣 lip | 唇瓣下部 hypochil | 唇瓣基 hypochil | 唇瓣环沟 pseudotrachea | 唇疱疹 coldsore | 唇红似火 One's lips are as red as fir... | 唇纹 cheilogramma | 唇脂 lipstick a surname | 唇膏 lipstick | 唇舌 lips and tongue argument | 唇舌基 tubus | 唇裂 harelip | 唇谈法 labiomancy | 唇音 labial | 唇音滥用 labialism | 唇齿之邦 as states of lips and teeth | 唇齿相依 be as close as lips and teet... | 唇齿音 labiodental | 唉 yes | 唉呀 oh dear me man | 唉哟 ah me ochone | 唉声叹气 heave great sighs |