- 唇舌 lips and tongue argument; ta ...
- 基 base; foundation
- 唇舌 1.(唇和舌) lips and tongue2.(比喻言辞) argument; talking round; words; persuasion; plausible speech 费一番唇舌 take a lot of explaining or arguing; 徒费唇舌 a waste of breath3.[昆虫] ligula; 唇舌基 tubus
- 侧唇舌 laminaexterns; paraglossa
- 唇舌的 labiolingual
- 下唇舌 labium-hypopharynx
- 中唇舌 glassa; glossa
- 舌基接合带 junctional zone of base of tongue
- 舌基软内 basihyoidian cartilage
- 无叶舌基因 liguliss gene
- 白费唇舌 waste one's breath; waste one’s breath
- 唇舌粘连 glossopexy
- 唇舌紫暗 dark purple lips and tongue; purple and dark tongue body
- 大费唇舌 long harangue; a lot of talking; make a long harangue; ranting speech; take a lot of talking to convince
- 费一番唇舌 take a lot of explaining or arguing
- 前中唇舌 preglossa
- 徒费唇舌 a waste of breath ligula
- 枉费唇舌 be a mere waste of breath
- 轴唇舌平面 axiomesiodistal plane
- 唇舌系带延长术 labial and or lingual frenum extension
- 唇上边的胡子 mustache
- 唇深三度烧伤 deep third degree burn of lip
- 唇色绀 dark lip
- 唇神经 labial nerve; nervus labialis
- 唇扫 lip brush