Cold sores caused by herpes virus type 1 are very contagious 一型疱疹病毒造成的唇疱疹是非常易传染性的。
Recurring herpes lesions look like multiple tiny fluid - filled blisters ( cold sores ) that most commonly appear around the edge of the lips 复发的疱疹通常在嘴唇的边缘附近出现多个微小的充满液体的水泡(唇疱疹) 。
Annoying and definitely unsightly , cold sores , also called fever blisters or herpes simplex , are groups of painful , fluid - filled blisters 让人懊恼的和不悦目的唇疱疹,也叫单纯疱疹,是成组的,让人疼痛的,充满液体的水泡。
Indication : treatment of incipient or recurring skin herpes simplex ( herpes labiali , genital herpes ) , supportive treatment of pointed condyloma :用于由病毒引起的初发或复发性皮肤单纯疱疹(口唇疱疹、生殖器疱疹) ;也可用于尖锐湿疣的辅助治疗。
Treating cold sores . cold sore blisters usually heal in a week by themselves . over - the - counter topical anesthetics can provide some relief . prescription antiviral drugs may reduce these kinds of viral infections 治疗唇疱疹。唇疱疹水泡通常在一星期自然愈合。非处方的局部麻醉能减轻疼痛。处方抗病毒药物能减少这些病毒的感染。
Radiation from the sun also causes often serious sunburn , skin aging , eye cataracts , pterygium - a fleshy growth on the surface of the eye , cold sores and other ills , according to the report , the first to detail the global effects of sun exposure . ultraviolet light is needed to activate production of vitamin d in the body , which prevents rickets , osteomalacia and osteoporosis 世界卫生组织发表报告称,太阳光照射过度不仅会增加人们患癌的危险,同时也会造成严重晒伤皮肤老化白内障翼状胬肉从眼睛内角的结膜生出一块不正常的块状组织以及唇疱疹等其他一些不良后果。