音标:[ lóngxiānghǔshì ]
发音 :
prance like the dragon and glance like the tiger; cherish great ambitions; with lofty aspirations and great ideals [high aims]
龙 dragon a huge extinct reptil ...骧 gallop; dash龙骧虎步 walk with one's head up like a dragon or tiger; walk with majestic steps; prance; martial gait龙骧 ryujo方龙骧 loong hsiang fang龙骧号 ryujo魏龙骧 wei longxiang虎视鹰瞵 strong powers are waiting on all sides虎视眈眈 look at fiercely as a tiger does; eye with hostility; cast covetous eyes on ...; casting a greedy eye on its prey; glare at fiercely; glare at sb. like a ravening tiger; glare like a tiger (at its prey); with a covetous look狼贪虎视 insatiably greedy like wolves and tigers; avaricious; covetous虎步龙骧 martial gait虎奋龙骧 be eager as tigers and majestic as dragons; prancing ahead云起龙骧 the rise of great heroes龙玺环球华文广告奖 longxi awards龙栉龙 saurolophus龙胄龙 dracopelta龙胭脂 dragon rouge龙媛媛 yuan-yuan long龙祯祥先生纪念奖学金 mr lung ching cheung memorial scholarship龙濑 ryugase; tatsuse
龙骧虎视的俄语 :pinyin:lóngxiānghǔshì бросок дракона и взгляд тигра (обр. в знач.: широкие .жадные стремления; честолюбивые планы)龙骧虎视什么意思 :lóng xiāng hǔ shì 【解释】象龙马高昂着头,象老虎注视着猎物。形容人的气慨威武。也比喻雄才大略。 【出处】《三国志·蜀书·诸葛亮传》:“亮之素志,进欲龙骧虎视,苞括四海。” 【示例】~安乾坤,万古千秋名不朽。(明·罗贯中《三国演义》第三十八回) 【拼音码】lxhs 【用法】联合式;作谓语、定语;形容人的气慨威武 【英文】prance like the dragon and...