- top credit and collections executive
- 首席 seat of honour
- 信用 trustworthiness; credit
- 与 take part in; participate in
- 收 put away; take in
- 帐 curtain
- 官 government official; officer ...
- 首席收帐官 top collections executive
- 首席信息官 cio chief information officer
- 首席信息长官 chief information officer
- 首席信息官员 cio
- 首席信息技术干事 chief information officer
- 信用与合同 trust and contracts
- 信用与银行 credit &banking
- 费用与收入相对应 matching costs with revenues
- 费用与收入相配合 matching expenses with revenue
- 首席信息官,信息主管,情报主任 cio chief of information officer
- 费用与收入对应原则 costs matching income principle
- 贸易信用与结算 pdf 165
- 保险公司的首席信息保护官 ciso
- 出口信用与发展资金 export credits and development financing
- 收帐 collect accounts; receipt on account; to collect
- 首席 1.(最高的席位) seat of honour 坐首席 be seated at the head of the table; be in the seat of honour2.(职位最高的) chief; 首席代表 chief representative; 首席法官 chief judge; chief justiciar; chief justice; 首席顾问 chief adviser; 首席官员 senior member of the diplomatic staff; 首席检察官 chief inspector; chief procurator; 首席监事 chief supervisor; 首席秘书 principal secretary; 首席小提琴手 concert master; 首席主持人 father; 首席仲裁员 chief arbitrator
- 查帐官的 auditorial
- 可用与…… be available for
- 使用与 use same parameters as for core