- 饮酒过度 drink to excess; drink like ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 人 human being; man; person; pe ...
- 饮酒过度的 intemperate
- 饮酒过度 drink to excessdrink like a fish
- 饮酒过度;酗酒 intemperance
- 切忌饮酒过度 by all means avoid excessive drinking
- 饮酒过度;暴饮;酗酒 insobriety
- 过度的饮酒 excessive drinking
- (饮酒过度引起的)蒙古胃病 narry
- 因饮酒过度而诱发的疾病 diseases induced by overdrinking
- 饮酒过多 to have too much wine
- 饮酒过多的 having had a lot of alcohol drunk
- 饮酒过量 drink beyond one's capacity
- 反对饮酒过多 antialcoholism
- 过度饮酒 excessive consumption; excessive drinking
- 过度的 exceeding; excessive; exorbitant; extravagant; extreme; fulsome; immoderate; inordinate; intemperate; overmuch; ultra; unconscionable; undue
- 不饮酒的人 no drinking; non-drinker
- 饮酒多的人 heavy drinker
- 饮酒过多会伤害身体 excessive drinking is harmful to the health
- 饮酒过量家庭处理法 treatment for excess of alcohol at home
- 成熟过度的 hypermature
- 发酵过度的 yeast-bitten
- 发育过度的 hypergenetic; overgrown
- 反应过度的 hyperreactive
- Alcoholics often suffer from periods of oblivion