饮酒 drink 饮酒不多 be a little drinker; 饮酒过度 drink to excess; drink like a fish; 他说他要请我们饮酒。 he offered to stand us a drink. 他一饮酒就变得兴奋,话也多起来了。 he became animated and talkative after two drinks. 他太好饮酒。 he is too fond of drink
过多 too much; too many 吃得过多 eat too much; 雨水过多 excessive rainfall
酒过三巡 when the wine has been round three times; after the drinking has gone through three rounds; after three cups of wine; after three drinks; when they had filled and emptied their glasses three times ...
酒过数巡 after a few rounds of wine; have drunk a few cups of wine; have finished several cups of wine; when the wine had circulated several times ...; when the wine had made a few rounds ..
It would not do for her to drink too much, to reel about in public like the idlers of the bamboo brook . 她不宜饮酒过多,免得在大庭广众间象浪迹于竹林溪涧的隐士一样有失体统。
However , many men drink too much alcohol or do this too often , and end up damaging their health 然而,不少男士都不懂得节制酒量,以致饮酒过多或过密,损害身体。
However , many men drink too much alcohol or do this too often , and end up damaging their health . . 然而,不少男士都不懂得节制酒量,以致饮酒过多或过密,损害身体…
However , many men drink too much alcohol or do this too often , and end up damaging their health . . 然而,不少男士都不懂得节制酒量,以致饮酒过多或过密,损害身体…
Coffee and tea may reduce the risk of serious liver damage in people who drink alcohol too much , are overweight , or have too much iron in the blood , researchers reported 咖啡和茶或可降低人类因饮酒过多、体重过重或血液中含铁过多而导致肝脏严重受损的危险,研究人员说。
" but in developed countries diet , alcohol , a lack of exercise and the fact that we still do n ' t eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day are contributory factors 但在发达国家,人们饮酒过多,缺乏运动,每天摄入的水果蔬菜低于摄入食物总量的5 % 。这些也都容易引发癌症。
They might know that if they “ sugar out ” they may crash emotionally , or if they drink too much they will feel hung over , but they are often unaware of how other foods may be creating anxiety and depression 人们也许知道,每当他们贪恋甜食就可能伤害情绪,或者只要饮酒过多就会余醉未醒,感到难受,但是,他们通常不知道,很多其它食物也是影响焦虑和抑郁的原因。
The exact causes of hypertension unknown , several factors and conditions may play a role in its development , including : smoking , being overweight , lack of physical activity , too much salt in the diet , too much alcohol consumption ( no more than 1 to 2 drinks per day ) , stress , older age , genetics , family history of high blood pressure , chronic kidney disease , adrenal and thyroid disorders 高血压确切病因未知,但有些因素和疾病对高血压形成有关,如:吸烟、体重超重、缺少体力活动、摄盐过多、饮酒过多、紧张、年老、遗传、家族史、慢性肾脏疾病、肾上腺和甲状腺疾病等。