- 颈背 nape; scruff of neck; nucha; ...
- 沟 channel; ditch; gutter; tren ...
- 背沟 carapace groove; dorsal channel; dorsal furrow; dorsal gutter
- 颈背 nape; scruff of neck; nucha; scruff
- 鼻背沟 sulcus dorsalis nasi
- 夹颈背 crossbuttock; windmill
- 颈背板 cervatnotum
- 颈背部 hackles
- 颈背的 nuchal
- 项, 颈背 nape of neck
- 项,颈背 nuchae
- 舌背沟后部 pars posterior dorsi linguae; pars postsulcalis dorsi linguae
- 舌背沟前部 pars anterior dorsi lignuae; presulcalis dorsi linguae
- 抱肩负颈背 headlock with arm included and hip roll
- 抱肩颈背 full buttock with locked grip around head and arm
- 冻猪颈背肉 frozen pork nape
- 颈背侧部 regio colli dorsalis
- 颈背面的 dorsocervical
- 颈背强直 stiffness of nape and back; stiffness of the nape and back
- 颈背扫描 nuchal scan
- 颈背正中缝 posterior median raphe of neck
- 颈背综合症 cds; cervicodorsal syndrome
- 颈背横突间肌 dorsal cervical intertransversarii
- 颈背部立毛或羽 hackles
- 颈背开放性伤伴并发症 open wound of nape of neck with complication