- pars posterior dorsi linguae
- pars postsulcalis dorsi linguae
- 舌 tongue sth. shaped like a to ...
- 背 body's back
- 沟 channel; ditch; gutter; tren ...
- 后部 the back of; hindside; rear; ...
- 舌背沟前部 pars anterior dorsi lignuae; presulcalis dorsi linguae
- 背沟 carapace groove; dorsal channel; dorsal furrow; dorsal gutter
- 舌背 dorsum linguae; dorsum of tongue; the dorsum of the tongue
- 沟后鬃 postsutural bristle
- 鼻背沟 sulcus dorsalis nasi
- 颈背沟 nuchal groove
- 后部 the back of; hindside; rear; tail end; posterior 辎重跟随在行进军队的后部。 the baggage followed in the rear of the troops on march.; 后部船舱 afterhold
- 舌背面 dorsal surface of tongue
- 舌背枝 rami dorsales lingu
- 舌背支 dorsal lingual branches; lingual dorsal branches; rami dorsales linguaee
- 舌背音,舌背音的 dorsal
- 前部舌背 dorsum of anterior tongue
- 舌背动脉 arteria lingualis dorsalis; dorsal arteries of tongue
- 舌背静脉 dorsal lingual veins; dorsal veins of tongue; venae dorsales linguae
- 舌背口部 oral part of dorsum of tongue
- 舌背裂纹 fissure of dorsal lingual surface; fissure of lingual dorsum
- 舌背咽部 pharyngeal portion of dorsum of tongue
- 舌背腭部 palatine portion of dorsum of tongue
- 大脑外侧沟后支 ramus posterior sulci lateralis cerebri
- 舌背动脉,舌动脉舌背支 dorsal artery of tongue
- 舌动脉舌背支 dorsal lingual branches of lingual artery; rami dorsales linguae arteriae lingualis