Estimated cost hk bn 1998 prices 预计成本以港币亿元计( 1998年价格)
You can use this table to compare your estimated cost of work with how much the work is actually costing 您可以使用这张表工时的预计成本和实际成本。
General rate case - a regulatory proceeding that may be either at scheduled or unscheduled intervals in which the non - fuel component of a utility ' s rate are determined by reference to its actual or estimated costs for a given test year 一种定期或不定期的管制程序,是指公共事业中非燃料部门的费率要通过参考特定测验年的实际成本和预计成本来确定
[ br ] general rate case - a regulatory proceeding that may be either at scheduled or unscheduled intervals in which the non - fuel component of a utility ' s rate are determined by reference to its actual or estimated costs for a given test year 一种定期或不定期的管制程序,是指公共事业中非燃料部门的费率要通过参考特定测验年的实际成本和预计成本来确定
Since summary data is precomputed in the mqts , db2 optimizer may rewrite a specific query to access an mqt instead of based tables because the optimizer can recognize if result sets can be derived from an mqt with less predicted cost 因为汇总数据在mqt中预先计算,所以db2优化器可以改写特定查询来访问mqt ,而不是基础表,因为优化器可以识别是否能以较少的预计成本从mqt得到结果集。