- call the shot
- call the sht
- 预计 estimate; calculate in advan ...
- 成功 success; succeed; successful
- 预计成本 anticipated costs; predetermined costs; predicted cost; projected costs
- 预计成本, 早列成本 anticipated cost
- 预计成本,预列成本 anticipated cost
- 制成品预计成本 projected cost of goods manufactured; projected costs of goods manufactured
- 计成 ji cheng
- 预计 estimate; calculate in advance; expect 这次会议预计要开4天。 it is estimated that the meeting will last four days. 工农业总产值预计翻两番。 it is estimated that the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural output will be quadrupled.; 预计产量 estimated output; 预计成本 anticipated cost; cost of prediction; projected cost; 预计到达时间 estimated time of arrival; 预计利润 anticipations of profit; 预计数据 predicted data; 预计误差 prediction error
- 成功 1.(获得预期的结果) success; succeed; successful 失败是成功之母。 failure is the mother of success. 这项计划非常成功。 this plan was a great success.最近人们已经成功地把太阳光直接转化为电能。 quite recently man has succeeded in converting sunlight directly into electrical energy.毫无疑问你在科研方面会取得成功?there can be no doubt that you will succeed in your scientific research.这次试航[飞]极为成功。 the trial trip [flight] was wonderfully successful.2.(姓氏) a surname 成功恢 chenggong hui; 成功概率 probability of success; 成功检索曲线 overt retrieval plot; 成功率 mission success rate; success rate
- 不计成败 not to take success or failure into consideration; be indifferent about success or failure; hit or miss; irrespective of success or failure; in spite of [despite of; in despite of] success or failure; whether to succeed or to fail
- 估计成本 approximate costs; count costs; count the costs; estimate cost; estimated costs
- 估计成本制 estimating cost system,estimated cost system
- 核计成本 assess the cost
- 会计成本 accounting cost; cost accounting
- 假计成本 imputed cost
- 滥计成本 inflated costs
- 累计成本 accumulated costs; cumulative cost
- 设计成本 design costs
- 应计成本 attributed cost
- 会计成本控制, 会计成本管理 accounting cost control
- 估计成本会计 estimated costs accounting
- 估计成本计算 estimate cost accounting; estimate costs accounting
- 估计成本价值 estimated cost value; estimated costs value
- 估计成本制度 estimated cost system; estimated costs system; estimating costs system; predetermined cost system
- 会计成本管理 accounting cost control