预计到达时间 eat (estimated time of arrival); estimated time of arrival ( eta); eta estimated time of arrival; eta estimatedtimeofarrival; eta expected time of arrival; expected time of arrival
预计到这时间 e.t.a. ; eta ; eta--estimated ( expected ) time of arrival; e.t.a. estimated/expected time of arrival; e.t.a. eta eta--estimated ( expected ) time of arrival; estimated ( expected ) time of arrival
估计到达时间 estimated time o arrival; eta estimated time of arrival; eta: estimated time of arrival
预计 estimate; calculate in advance; expect 这次会议预计要开4天。 it is estimated that the meeting will last four days. 工农业总产值预计翻两番。 it is estimated that the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural output will be quadrupled.; 预计产量 estimated output; 预计成本 anticipated cost; cost of prediction; projected cost; 预计到达时间 estimated time of arrival; 预计利润 anticipations of profit; 预计数据 predicted data; 预计误差 prediction error
到达 arrive; get to; reach 到达顶点 come to a head; 到达饥饿点 reach the point of starvation; 他们昨天到达北京。 they arrived in beijing yesterday.; 到达港 port of arrival; port of destination; 到达日 date of arrival; 到达时间 time of arrival; 到达站 destination; (列车) 到达站台 in-track platform; 到达重量 arrived weight; landed weight