- eta estimated time of arrival
- 预计 estimate; calculate in advan ...
- 到 39
- 港 harbour; port
- 时间 time; hour
- 船舶预计到港时间预计到达时间 estimated time of arrival
- 估计抵达时间预计到港时间 estimated time of arrival
- 预计到港 estimate arrival
- 预计到港日期 eta estimate time of arrival
- 预计到时间 e.t.a. eta eta estimatedtime of arrival; e.t.a.;eta;eta estimated(expected)time of arrival; e.t.a.;eta;eta estimated(expected)time of arrival
- 预计到场时间 eta = estimated time of arrival
- 预计到达时间 eat (estimated time of arrival); estimated time of arrival ( eta); eta estimated time of arrival; eta estimatedtimeofarrival; eta expected time of arrival; expected time of arrival
- 预计到这时间 e.t.a. ; eta ; eta--estimated ( expected ) time of arrival; e.t.a. estimated/expected time of arrival; e.t.a. eta eta--estimated ( expected ) time of arrival; estimated ( expected ) time of arrival
- 预计抵港时间 eta/estimated time of arrival
- 预计离港时间 estimated time of departure (etd); estimated time of leaving; etd etd-----------estimated(expected)t ime of departure; etd;etd estimated(expected)time of departure; etd;etd estimated(expected)time of departure
- 船舶确切到港时间 d.t.a. definite time of arrival; definite time of arrival
- 到港时间有改变 alteration of ship's eta
- 船舶预计离港时间 etd estimated time of departure
- 确报,船舶确切到港时间 d.t.a. definite time of arrival
- 到港时压载 arrival ballast
- 预计到达和离开时间 etad expected time of arrival and departure
- 预计到达 estimate to be arrive
- 预计到达日 eta estimated time of arrival; etaestimated time of arrivalval
- 到港时的吃水 arrival draft
- 预计到达日期 expected date of arrival
- 预计到达时刻 estimated of arrival time