- "the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls
- the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls
- 预言者 predictor
- 都 capital
- 已 stop; cease; end
- 写 write
- 在 exist; be living
- 地铁 metro; the subway; undergrou ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 墙上 on the wall
- 已被写在地铁的墙上 are written on the subway walls
- 都被写在地铁的墙上及出租公寓的走廊上 are written the subway walls &tenement halls
- 预言者 diviner; laulak; predictor; prognosticator; prophet; samuel; seer; soothsayer; vaticinator
- 凶兆预言者 screech owl
- 在地铁 at the subway; the subway
- 〔美俚〕凶事预言者。 calamity howler
- 丢失的预言者 lostprophets
- 预言者, 先知, 提倡者 prophet
- 蛛网怪预言者 nnwr
- 蜥蜴人预言者 saurian soothsayer
- 都写在墙上呢 the writing′s on the wall
- 在地铁上 in the subway; on the underground
- 在地铁站 at the subway station
- 扎奇在地铁 zazie dans le métro (zazie in the subway)
- 扎齐在地铁 zazie dans le metro
- 料事如神的预言者 br /a proficiency prophet
- 预言者斯克拉姆 the prophet skeram