- the forecaster contrasted the cast castle with the vast desert
- 预言者 predictor
- 将 ask; appeal for
- 铸造 cast-on outwell; foundry; ca ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 城堡 castle; town; tower; barbaca ...
- 与 take part in; participate in
- 广阔 vast; wide; spacious; expans ...
- 沙漠 desert; areg; koum; thar; er ...
- 作 rise; get up; stand up
- 了 finish; complete; end; fulfi ...
- 对比 contrast; comparison; balanc ...
- 把善与恶作了对比 in this book the writer contrasts good with evil
- 预言者 diviner; laulak; predictor; prognosticator; prophet; samuel; seer; soothsayer; vaticinator
- 广阔的 capacious; champaign; expanse; extensive; free; largamente; rangy; roomy; sweeping; vast; widest
- 作者在本书中把善与恶作了对比 in this book the writer contrasts good with evil. ratio
- 凶兆预言者 screech owl
- 范围广阔的 wide ranging
- 幅身广阔的 beamy
- 广大的,广阔的 extensive
- 广阔的;深远的 extensive
- 广阔的地方 expanse; extent
- 广阔的地面 tract
- 广阔的国土 a vast country
- 广阔的蓝天 the blue expanses of the sky
- 广阔的前景 broad prospects
- The forecaster contrasted the cast castle with the vast desert