- abortive treatment
- ectrosis
- jugulation
- 顿挫 pause and transition in rhyt ...
- 疗法 therapeutics; therapy; treat ...
- 顿挫性疗法 abortive therapy
- 顿挫 1.(语调、音律等停顿转折) pause and transition in rhythm or melody 抑扬顿挫 modulation in tone2.[医学] (病势的顿挫; 顿挫疗法) abortion; ectrosis; 顿挫疗法 ectrosis
- 顿挫的 abortive
- 顿挫型 forme fruste (疾病的一种不典型表现)◇顿挫型感染 abortive infection
- 流产;顿挫 ectrosis
- 使顿挫 baffle
- 病顿挫的 abortive
- 顿挫, 过门, 中间着 intermediate move
- 顿挫粉褶蕈 abortive entoloma; entoloma abortivum
- 顿挫型穿孔 forme fruste perforation; frustrated perforation
- 顿挫型感染 abortive infection; unsymptomatic infection
- 顿挫型伤寒 abortive fever typhoid; abortive typhoid fever
- 顿挫性肺炎 abortive pneumonia
- 顿挫性结核 abortive tuberculosis
- 顿挫性收缩 frustrate systole
- 顿挫性转形 abortive transformation
- 顿挫性癫痫 epilepsia abortiva
- 顿挫抑扬 rising and falling of tones; modulation in tone; cadence 顿挫抑扬是形容朗读时声音的高低曲折和和谐的的节奏。 cadence means the rise and fall of the voice in reading with rhythm
- 抑扬顿挫 speak in measured tones; rising and falling in cadence; high and low (as in musical notes); intonation; modulation in tone; rhythmical 他的朗颂抑扬顿挫, 富有感情。 his recitation was cadenced and rich in feeling
- 疗法 therapeutics; therapy; treatment; therapia; therapeusis; iatreusis; iateria; receipt 顺势疗法 homepathy; 按摩疗法 chiropraxis; 新针疗法 new acupuncture therapy; 放射疗法 radio therapy; 作业疗法 occupational therapy; 化学疗法 chemotherapy; 针灸疗法 acupuncture therapy; 疗法失当 malpractice; malpraxis
- 顿挫性核分裂 abortive mitosis
- 顿挫性脊髓痨 abortive tabes
- 顿挫性妄想狂 abortive pnranoia
- 顿挫疗法的法语:traitement abortif
- 顿挫疗法的日语:病気の初めに多量の薬を使って病勢を抑え,以後常用量を与える治療法.
- 顿挫疗法的韩语:[명사]〈의학〉 치료 방법의 일종으로, 초기에 대량으로 투약하여 병세의 진전을 막고, 후에 제 분량대로 써서 치료하는 것을 말함.
- 顿挫疗法的俄语:pinyin:dùncuòliáofǎ мед. абортивное лечение
- 顿挫疗法什么意思:治疗疾病的一种方法。 初病时, 先用较大剂量的药物, 遏止病势的发展, 然后以常用的剂量进行治疗。