speak in measured tones; rising and falling in cadence; high and low (as in musical notes); intonation; modulation in tone; rhythmical 短语和例子
他的朗颂抑扬顿挫, 富有感情。 his recitation was cadenced and rich in feeling
韵律,节奏,声音的抑扬顿挫 cadence他的朗颂抑扬顿挫富有感情 his recitation was cadenced and rich in feeling顿挫抑扬 rising and falling of tones; modulation in tone; cadence 顿挫抑扬是形容朗读时声音的高低曲折和和谐的的节奏。 cadence means the rise and fall of the voice in reading with rhythm扬顿 yarnton顿挫 1.(语调、音律等停顿转折) pause and transition in rhythm or melody 抑扬顿挫 modulation in tone2.[医学] (病势的顿挫; 顿挫疗法) abortion; ectrosis; 顿挫疗法 ectrosis抑扬 rise and fall; modulate顿挫的 abortive顿挫型 forme fruste (疾病的一种不典型表现)◇顿挫型感染 abortive infection流产;顿挫 ectrosis使顿挫 baffle抑扬的 inflectional; inflective; inflexional抑扬格 iambus抑扬教 the teaching of the病顿挫的 abortive顿挫, 过门, 中间着 intermediate move顿挫粉褶蕈 abortive entoloma; entoloma abortivum顿挫疗法 abortive treatment; ectrosis; jugulation顿挫型穿孔 forme fruste perforation; frustrated perforation顿挫型感染 abortive infection; unsymptomatic infection顿挫型伤寒 abortive fever typhoid; abortive typhoid fever顿挫性肺炎 abortive pneumonia顿挫性结核 abortive tuberculosis顿挫性疗法 abortive therapy抑扬符号 circumflex symbol抑扬调节剂 modulator抑扬第剂 modulator
Mr. kenge spoke in a sonorous voice . 肯吉先生用一种抑扬顿挫 的声调谈论着。 His recitation was cadenced and rich in feeling . 他的朗颂抑扬顿挫 ,富有感情。 Dorothea said with the musical intonation . 多萝西亚开口了,她的声调显得抑扬顿挫 。 He was so emphatic in style . 他的语调是那么抑扬顿挫 。 The monotone in which he spoke was strangely soothing . 他说话的调子毫无抑扬顿挫 ,却有一种奇妙的镇静作用。 It was the voice of a born orator, rich in possible modulations . 这是一个天生演说家的富于抑扬顿挫 的声音。 Churchill's cadences began to roll out of the short-wave radio . 短波电台里开始传出邱吉尔那抑扬顿挫 的声调。 Fore god, my lord, well spoken, with good accent and good discretion . 上帝在上,老爷,您念得好极了,真是抑扬顿挫 ,曲尽其妙。 He had a plump face, lemur-like eyes, a quiet, subtle, modulated voice . 他有一张胖胖的脸,狐猴般的眼睛,以及安详、微妙和富于抑扬顿挫 的嗓音。 He read the poems with cadence 他抑扬顿挫 地朗诵诗歌。
抑扬顿挫的法语 :harmonie entre les graves et les aigus;harmonie parfait抑扬顿挫的日语 :〈成〉声に抑揚や間をもたせ,急に調子を変えたりする. 一个小姑娘抑扬顿挫地随着三弦 sānxián 唱了起来/一人の少女が節回しもよく蛇皮線に合わせて歌いだした.抑扬顿挫的韩语 :【성어】 소리의 고저·기복과 휴지(休止)·곡절(曲折); 소리의 높낮이와 곡절이 조화롭고 리드미컬하다.抑扬顿挫的俄语 :[yìyáng dùncuò] обр. с выражением; с расстановкой; выразительно (напр., читать)抑扬顿挫什么意思 :yì yáng dùn cuò 【解释】指声音的高低起伏和停顿转折。 【拼音码】yydc 【用法】联合式;作定语、状语、补语;含褒义 【英文】cadence