- 鞋 shoes
- 鞋饰 cordwainers accessories
- 饰品 19.accessories; accessory; cool-pai; cosmetics; ornamental article; oxette; trinket
- 发饰品 fs-14; hair ornaments; wig
- 服饰品 garment accessories
- 花饰品 floral
- 佳饰品 i-jewelry
- 家饰品 furnishing
- 琳饰品 ze'le
- 明饰品 future flying decorations
- 饰品盒 jewelry box
- 银饰品 silver ornament; silver work
- 珠饰品 beading
- 装饰品 a lique; accessories; accessory; applique; boutique; decorations; décor; falderal; falderol; garlandage; garnishry; garniture; jewelry; ornament(adornment; decoration); ornamentation; ornaments; set off; setoff
- 玻璃小饰品 gla trinket; glass trinket
- 波形装饰品 wave ornament; wave scroll
- 侧面装饰品 side ornament
- 动物装饰品 animal ornament
- 肚脐饰品 navel jewellery
- 肚脐饰品的 navel jewellery
- 仿金饰品 object of imitation gold
- 纺织装饰品 duvets
- 服装饰品 fashion and accessories
- 附件;(妇女)装饰品 accessory
- 个人装饰品 personal adornment