She did not want to deck herself with knowledge . 她并不想把知识当装饰品。
I must get some ornaments for my christmas tree . 我必须买些装饰品装饰我的圣诞树。
They sell ornaments not accordant to chinese tastes . 他们经销不合中国趣味的装饰品。
It is mere tinsel . 它只不过是闪亮的装饰品。
His closely shaved head was without ornament of any kind . 在他那剃得光光的脑袋上,没有任何装饰品。
Blood of wound or dust of travel that's a man's adornment . 伤口流出的鲜血和旅途的风尘,才是男子汉的装饰品呢。
Gold, silver, and enamelled work were done with an unprecedented brilliance . 金、银和珐琅装饰品都制造得空前地璀璨夺目。
Sundials on houses and in gardens are a very popular decoration today . 如今把日规当作装饰品装在屋上和花园中是非常时髦的。
Sorry , but it is just a decoration . look , the buddha is all smiles . it is an artistic creation . 对不起,这不过是装饰品。瞧,那佛像满脸笑容,是一种艺术作品。
Inside the box was a great hoard of silver plate and gold coins, beside a few jewels and some precious ornaments of solid gold . 箱子里边藏着许多银盘子和金币,还有珠宝和珍贵的纯金装饰品。