Ⅰ动词 1.(凭借别的东西的支持立着或竖起来; 倚靠) lean against [on]: 把梯子靠在墙上 lean a ladder against a wall; 背靠背坐着 sit back to back; 她轻轻地靠在他的肩上。she leaned lightly against his shoulder. 2.(接近; 挨近) get close to; be near to
船已经靠码头了。the ship has docked. 疗养院靠海。the sanatorium stands by the sea.3.(依靠) depend on; rely on
靠自已的努力 rely on one's own efforts; 一个人的成功主要靠自已。a man's success depends chiefly on himself. 这座城市几乎完全靠旅游业维持。 the town depends almost solely on the tourist trade.4.(信赖) trust
可靠 reliable; trustworthy; 他这人靠得住。he is a man to be relied upon.; he is reliable. 我的记性靠不住, 我最好把什么都写下来。 i can't trust my memory. i'd better write everything down.Ⅱ介词 1.(沿着) (keep) to; (get) near
车辆一律靠右走。 all vehicles should keep to the right.2.(凭; 根据) by; by dint of; on
靠辛勤劳动 by the sweat of one's brow; 靠小聪明 by one's wits; 靠自己的力量 on one's own; 他靠苦干获得成功。 he succeeded by dint of hard work. 她靠正当的劳动生活。 she lives by honest labour
靠的法语:动 1.s'appuyer sur(ou : contre)她把头~在他肩上.elle appuie sa tête sur son épaule. 2.s'approcher de我们的车~近机场了.notre voiture s'approche déjà de l'aéroport. 3.être près de他~窗坐着.il est assis près de la fenêtre. 4...
靠的韩语:━A) [동사] (1)기대다. 两人背靠背坐着; 두 사람은 서로 등을 기대고 앉아 있다 靠着椅子打盹儿; 의자에 기대어 졸다 (2)(물건을) 기대어 두다. 기대어 세우다. 把梯子靠在墙上; 사다리를 담에 기대어 세우다 扁担靠在门背后; 멜대는 문 뒤에 기대어져 있다 (3)다가서다. 접근하다. 닿다. 대다. 船靠岸; 배가 물가에 닿다 靠墙坐; 벽에...
靠的俄语:[kào] 1) опираться; прислонять(ся) 把梯子靠在墙上 [bǎ tīzi kàozài qiángshang] — приставить лестницу к стене 2) прилегать к; вблизи; около 靠墙坐着 [kào qiáng zuòzhe] — сидеть у стены 靠右边走 [kào yòubian ...
靠什么意思:kào ㄎㄠˋ 1)倚着,挨近:倚~。~垫。~背。船~岸。 2)依赖:依~。~托。~头。 3)信托:可~。~得住。牢~。 4)传统戏剧中武将所穿的铠甲:扎~。~旗。 ·参考词汇: lean against alongside by depend keep to near rely to depend 靠把 妥靠 无倚无靠 靠边 靠旗 六亲无靠 ...