靠 Ⅰ动词1.(凭借别的东西的支持立着或竖起来; 倚靠) lean against [on]: 把梯子靠在墙上 lean a ladder against a wall; 背靠背坐着 sit back to back; 她轻轻地靠在他的肩上。she leaned lightly against his shoulder.2.(接近; 挨近) get close to; be near to 船已经靠码头了。the ship has docked. 疗养院靠海。the sanatorium stands by the sea.3.(依靠) depend on; rely on 靠自已的努力 rely on one's own efforts; 一个人的成功主要靠自已。a man's success depends chiefly on himself. 这座城市几乎完全靠旅游业维持。 the town depends almost solely on the tourist trade.4.(信赖) trust 可靠 reliable; trustworthy; 他这人靠得住。he is a man to be relied upon.; he is reliable. 我的记性靠不住, 我最好把什么都写下来。 i can't trust my memory. i'd better write everything down.Ⅱ介词1.(沿着) (keep) to; (get) near 车辆一律靠右走。 all vehicles should keep to the right.2.(凭; 根据) by; by dint of; on 靠辛勤劳动 by the sweat of one's brow; 靠小聪明 by one's wits; 靠自己的力量 on one's own; 他靠苦干获得成功。 he succeeded by dint of hard work. 她靠正当的劳动生活。 she lives by honest labour
Rules for inspection of frozen roasted eel for export 出口冻烤鳗检验规程
The study of extracting hap from the eel scraps by enzymatic hydrolysis 酶法提取烤鳗下脚料水解动物蛋白的研究
The dry prodnets : bake fish , while squid bake eel fish , mussel meat and so on 干燥产品:烤鱼片、整体鱿鱼、烤鳗、贻贝等。
The company ' s main products : sushi ginger , sushi ginger buds of red and white , red sushi ginger bud , pickled radish , like seafood ( sushi octopus slices , scallops slices , scallops skirts , torikai , scallops , squilla meat , sweet shrimp , mackerel vinegar ) , tempura products , cooked eel , ell products , alaska or russian snow crab , king crab , two crab claws , frittered , wasabi powder , wasabi paste , mustard salt and pepper , and so on 本公司主要产品:寿司姜片、寿司红白姜芽、寿司红姜芽、腌渍萝卜、千本渍,寿司类海产品(寿司章鱼片、带子切片、带子裙边、帆立贝、赤贝、鸟贝、北寄贝、带子、扇贝丁、虾蛄肉、甜虾、醋渍鲭鱼等) ,天妇罗系列产品,煮鳗、烤鳗系列产品,阿拉斯加、俄罗斯鳕蟹、大王蟹及制其成品蟹钳、蟹肉棒、二本爪、碎肉等,青芥辣粉、青芥辣膏、芥末椒盐等等。