- 静态 static state; quiescent cond ...
- 双声 a phrase consisting of two o ...
- 动态双声 dynamic doubling; dynamicdoubling
- 动态双声效果 dynamic doubling
- 静态双极存储器 static bipolar memory
- 双声 [语言学] a phrase consisting of two or more characters with the same initial consonant; alliteration
- 双声道,双声轨 double track
- 双声道 [工声] dual track◇双声道磁带录声机 [工声] dual-track tape recorder; double-track tape recorder; half-track tape recorder; 双声道立体声 stereophony; 双声道立体声收音机 stereo receiver
- 双声调 duotones
- 双声恨 bitterly hate
- 双声迹 dual track; twin track; twin-track; two-track
- 双声源 double sound source
- 双声子 biphonon
- 动态双折射 dynamic birefringence
- 形态双折射 form birefringence
- 静态 [物理学] static state; quiescent condition; steady state; statics; dead level; akinesis; akynesis◇静态打印 static dump; 静态电流 quiescent current; 静态电路 static circuit; 静态电阻 static resistance; 静态平衡 static balance; static equilibrium; 静态特性 static characteristic
- 双声道,双声轨(录音磁带) double track
- 程序状态双字 program status double-word
- 双声唱法 double-voice singing
- 双声道磁头 two-track magnetic head
- 双声道的 binaural; two-channel
- 双声道广播 dual sound broadcasting
- 双声迹磁头 head dual-track
- 双声迹录音 sound on sound recording; two-track recording
- 双声子过程 two-phonon process