Design and realization of mesurement system for these sensors are introduced 介绍了测量系统的设计并研制了y型和s型双声路saw质量传感器测量系统。
Alliteration and assonance is not only a language phenomenon , but also an artistic one in poems 摘要诗歌中的双声叠韵既是语言现象,又是艺术现象。
Du fu is most skillful in using alliteration and assonance in his poems and he uses it most often than any other poets 杜甫最善于使用双声叠韵,其数量之多,结撰之精妙,是其他诗人不及的。
The temperature coefficient was measured to be 7hz / c , which was three orders of magnitude lower compared with that of the single path configuration 双声路的温度补偿效果很好,相对于单声路来说有三个数量级的改善。
2 . 75mhz and 14db respectively . frequency responses of these sensors are simulated with matlab and fabrication processes of these sensors are also described summarily 并应用matlab对y型和s型双声路saw质量传感器件的频率响应特性进行了仿真。
Design principles and rules of y type and s type sensors including input and output idts multistrip coupler and mass loading area are introduced in detail . their operating frequency , bandwidth and insertion loss are 122mhz 所研究的y型和s型双声路saw质量传感器件的工作频率为122mhz ,带宽为2 . 75mhz ,插入损耗约为14db 。
In this paper new kinds of y - type and s - type dual - path mass - loading sensor devices fabricated on 128 ? rotated y cut x propagating linbo3 substrate are reported . there are one input idt and two output idts in these devices 本论文在128旋转y切割? x传播方向的linio _ 3基片上研制了结构新型的y型和s型双声路声表面波质量沉积效应传感器件。
Bahktin ' s poetics of carnival was used to analyse wang meng ' s writing characteristics of carnival in the " seasons " sees , such as coronation , degradation , imitation , parody and linguistic carnival 运用巴赫金的“狂欢化”诗学研究王蒙的“季节”系列长篇小说,可以充分认识“加冕” 、 “脱冕” , “双声” (仿格、讽拟) ,语言狂欢等王蒙“狂欢化”写作的艺术特点。
The measurement results are introduced in chapter 5 , including the direct characterization of the sensor chip , the evaluation of the measurement circuit , the effect of the temperature compensation and the sensing characteristic of the whole system 第五章则是测试的结果,包括传感器芯片的直接测试结果,测试电路的测试结果,双声路温度补偿效果的测试和最终的滴定测试。