And japanese ships provide fuel for the military operations in afghanistan 日本为阿富汗军事行动提供船舶燃料。
Leaders are scheduled to meet with president bush ' s chief of staff to work on a compromise for military operations in iraq and afghanistan 美国国会参议院领导人预定与布什总统的白宫办公厅主任会面,就伊拉克和阿富汗军事行动拨款法案试图达成妥协。
U . s . senate leaders are scheduled to meet with president bush ' s chief of staff to work on a compromise funding bill for military operations in iraq and afghanistan 美国国会参议院领导人预定与布什总统的白宫办公厅主任会面,就伊拉克和阿富汗军事行动拨款法案试图达成妥协。
Japan yesterday ordered its naval refuelling vessels to leave the indian ocean , ending six years of operations to supply free oil for us - led military operations in afghanistan 日本昨天下令其海军燃料补给船驶离印度洋,从而结束了长达6年向美国领导的阿富汗军事行动免费供应石油的行动。
House and senate conferees have been engaged in difficult negotiations on a separate spending bill containing billions of dollars for u . s . military operations in iraq and afghanistan 本周,国会和参议院成员就一份包括几十亿美元用于美国在伊拉克和阿富汗军事行动的独立预算法案进行了艰苦的谈判。
Bush said $ 245 billion is needed for military and diplomatic operations in iraq and afghanistan over the next year and a half , bringing total pentagon funding for the wars to $ 662 billion 布什说在未来的一年半里用于伊拉克和阿富汗军事和外交需两千四百五十亿美元,致使五角大楼用于战争的总金额达六千六百二十亿美元。