- 镇静安神 tranquilizing and allaying e ...
- 药 medicine; drug; remedy
- 镇静安神 tranquilize and allay excitement; tranquilizing and allaying excitement
- 安神药 the herb for tranquilization; tranquilizer
- 镇惊安神药 medicines for relieving muscular spasm and tranquilizing the mind
- 镇静安眠剂 phenobarbital
- 镇静安眠性能,镇静安眠作用 sedative-hypnotic property
- 镇静安定药类 sedatives and tranquilizers
- 养心安神,安心神,镇静心田 tranquilizing mind
- 静安 jingan district; shizuyasu; statampere
- 安神 1.(使心神安定) calm the nerves; soothe the nerves2.[中医] relieve uneasiness of mind and body; tranquilization◇安神剂 sedative drugs prescriptions; tranquillizer prescriptions; 安神药 sedative; tranquillizer
- 镇静 1.(情绪稳定或平静) calm; cool; composed; unruffled; tranquilizing (the mind); sedation; tranquilization 保持镇静 remain calm; 镇静安神 tranquilizing and allaying excitement; 镇静解痉 tranquilizing to relieve muscle spasm; 使自己镇静下来 calm oneself2.[冶金学] kill; 镇静剂 sedative; quietive; palliative; anodyne; downer; down; tranquilizer
- 神药师 kakotoshi; kamiyakushi
- 提神药 incitantiasalvolatilesalvolatile; mental stimulant; sal volatile; salvolatile
- 静安培 statampere
- 静安区 jingan district
- 静安寺 jing'an temple
- 王静安 jingan wang
- 安神茶 nerve species
- 安神的 mind easing; mind tranquilizing
- 安神法 tranquillization method
- 安神剂 tranquillizer prescriptions
- 安神片 tablet for mind-tranquilizing
- 安神丸 mind tranquilizing pill; sedative bolus
- 助安神 help to tranquilize mind