- hypnotic sedative agent
- sedative and hypnotic agent
- sedative hypnotics
- sedativehypnotic
- 镇静 calm; cool; composed; unruff ...
- 氯地庚波[镇静催眠药 seren vita
- 其他类镇静催眠药 miscellaneous
- 巴比妥娄镇静催眠药 sedative-hypnotics of barbiturates
- 镇静催眠药和抗癫痫药 sedative-hypnotics and antiepileptics
- 镇静催眠药或抗焦虑药所致精神障碍 mental disorders due to use of sedatives or hypnotics
- 催眠药 hypnotic drug; hypnotics, soporifics; hypnotiss; hyponotics; narcotic; somnifacient; somnificant; soporiferous; soporifics
- 安催眠药 hypnotic
- 安眠药;催眠的 soporific
- 催眠药滥用 hypnotic abuse; hypnotics abuse
- 催眠药中毒 hypnotic poisoning; hypnotics poisoning; poisoning by sleeping drug
- 基础催眠药 basal hypnotic
- 皮质性催眠药 cortical hy otic; cortical hypnotic
- 催眠或镇静药 hypnotic sedative drug
- 催眠药使用障碍 hypnotic use disorders
- 催眠药物或催眠作用 hypnotic drug or influence
- 布他比妥[催眠镇静药 allylbarbital; allylbarbituric acid
- 醋卡溴脲[催眠镇静药 acecarbromai
- 那可比妥[催眠镇静药 narcobarbital
- 催眠药物依赖性睡眠障碍 hypnotic-dependent sleedisorder
- 非苯二氮桌类催眠药 non-benzodiazepine hypnotic
- 苯二氮(艹卓)类催眠镇静药 sedative-hypnotics of benzodiazepines
- 异戊巴比妥;口服为镇静及安眠药 amobarbital
- 催眠药引起的器质性精神障碍 hypnotic-induced organic mental disorder
- 镇静 1.(情绪稳定或平静) calm; cool; composed; unruffled; tranquilizing (the mind); sedation; tranquilization 保持镇静 remain calm; 镇静安神 tranquilizing and allaying excitement; 镇静解痉 tranquilizing to relieve muscle spasm; 使自己镇静下来 calm oneself2.[冶金学] kill; 镇静剂 sedative; quietive; palliative; anodyne; downer; down; tranquilizer
- Mental disorders due to use of sedatives or hypnotics