He pressed the agitated girl into a seat, returned to the outer room and opened the door . 他把这位惊慌错乱的女孩子硬按在一把椅子上,自己走到外屋,把门打开。
The wandering old lady did not recognize her own daughter 这个错乱的老太太认不出自己的女儿。
When they re reborn again with such a muddled kind of mind , they will be a lesser being next time 他们要是带着这种错乱的心智再投胎的话,下辈子会做更低等的众生。
Most unusual , he thought , a vision or a mirage - more likely a vision , a trick of his disordered mind 这一定是最不寻常的幻象或是海市蜃楼? ?更像是幻象,他想道,是他那错乱的神智的鬼把戏。
Occasionally i glimpsed some distracting black gaps in the image , perhaps caused by stray reflections of the infrared beams 我偶尔会瞥见影像出现一些错乱的黑色缺口,可能是红外线光束的游离反射所引起的。
Most of us do not have to grapple with the large gaps of memory or the chronological confusion that many of my patients do 我们大部分的人都不必像我的许多病人一样,必须为失去的记忆或者错乱的年表而伤神。
This series of works give the impress of “ super ” realistic impression of time and space confusion , and chen jiagang called this “ re - reality ” 这一系列作品因而给人时空错乱的“超”现实感,而陈家刚自己则将其称作“再现实” 。
Both are not of my making and need not be improved upon . what has gone wrong is the " inner body " , call it mind , consciousness , antahkarana , whatever the name 两者皆非我所做亦用不着改善。错乱的是内在的身体,称之为头脑、意识、经脉或什麽也好。
Working for long periods in the harsh and unforgiving conditions near the north and south poles often causes people to suffer a stew of psychological symptoms dubbed " polar madness , " scientists said 科学家表示,在邻近南北极地区的严苛天候下长期工作,常会使人出现名为极地错乱的精神症候。
True story with a lot of truth in light of the many perversions and jokes we send to one another for a laugh , this is a little different : this is not intended to be a joke , it ' s not funny , it ' s intended to get you thinking 我们转寄很多错乱的文章和笑话以博君一灿为乐,这一篇却有点不一样:这篇不是笑话,它一点都不好笑,它只想叫你认真想一想。