Dreams are all different, and each single one is diversified . 梦是各不相同的,而且同一个梦也是纷乱的。
A confused sound of voices, mingled with her dreams, awoke her . 一种纷乱的人声,混入她的梦中,把她惊醒。
Could he rest quietly who had spent fifty years in the turmoil of war ? 一个曾在纷乱的战争中度过五十年的人,他能够泰然自若、无动于衷吗?
She had disentangled her ravelled ideas, and arranged some kind of a plan for action . 她心里却早把纷乱的思想理出了一个头绪,并决定了一种行动计划。
He was, at the very moment of his betrothala moment for pure thoughts and cloudless hopespitchforked into a coil of scandal . 他正值订婚的时刻一个需要纯洁的思想和光明的希望的时刻被卷入一团纷乱的丑闻当中。
The distracted reader can ' t be absorbed in the abstract extract 心神纷乱的读者无法专心于抽象的节录
Such a large courtyard was suddenly tramped into a muddy land 偌大一个院子,霎时就被这纷乱的人群踩踏成了一片烂泥滩。
The eyes of the paralytic expressed a multitude of tumultuous thoughts 从那老人的眼睛可以看出他的头脑里的许多纷乱的念头。
She went home in confusion , not knowing what she thought or felt 她在纷乱的屋中回家去,不知道自己在想着什么,感觉着什么。