- bide one's time during a period of ill luck; dwell in retirement, waiting for the appropriate time to come; live in seclusion and wait for a better chance
- 遵 follow; obey; abide by
- 时 shí]
- 养 support; provide for
- 晦 the last day of a lunar mont ...
- 时养民 shi yangmin
- 临时养老金 contingent annuity
- 养晦藏拙 conceal oneself and prevent one's foolishness from being exposed
- 养晦待时 dwell in retirement waiting for an opportunity; retire and hide awaiting an opportunity
- 养晦守拙 keep growing in spirit while keeping away from public life
- 养晦韬光 conceal one's talents; hide one's light under a bushel
- 韬光养晦 hide one's capacities and hide one's time
- 临时养护和管理区 interim conservation and management zone
- 我八岁时养过一只猫 we had a cat when i was eight years old
- 遵守 observe; abide by; comply with 遵守法律 abide by the law; 遵守公共秩序 observe public order; 遵守规则 comply with the rules; 遵守合同 keep a contract; 遵守劳动纪律 observe labour discipline; 遵守时间 be on time; be punctual
- 遵圣旨 obey imperial decree
- 遵守 最新魔兽世界私服实践(诺言、原则等) live up to
- 遵命办理 act in compliance with instructions
- 遵守(动词) adhere to
- 遵命 [敬] comply with your wish; obey your command
- 遵守(法律等);信守 abide by
- 遵纪守法廉洁奉公 observe the relevant code of conduct and the law and honestly
- 遵守(规则、法令、约束) abide by
- 遵纪守法的人 legally concerned