- dwell in retirement waiting for an opportunity; retire and hide awaiting an opportunity
- 养 support; provide for
- 晦 the last day of a lunar mont ...
- 待时 standby time; waiting
- 养晦藏拙 conceal oneself and prevent one's foolishness from being exposed
- 养晦守拙 keep growing in spirit while keeping away from public life
- 养晦韬光 conceal one's talents; hide one's light under a bushel
- 遵时养晦 bide one's time during a period of ill luck; dwell in retirement, waiting for the appropriate time to come; live in seclusion and wait for a better chance
- 韬光养晦 hide one's capacities and hide one's time
- 待时的 standby
- 待时费 standby or waiting time surcharge; waiting charge; waiting fee; wtc waiting time charge
- 等待,待时 waiting
- 藏器待时 (比喻怀藏才学等待施展的机会) store up a utensil for the right time -- a talent waiting for timely use; keep one's ability and wait for opportunity; master the skills and bide one's time; wait for the right moment to demonstrate one's ability
- 待时而动 bide one's time
- 待时工资 stand-by pay
- 待时记录 stand-by-time; standby time record
- 待时雷管 sleeping detonator
- 待时时间 downtime
- 等待时机 bide one's time; waiting time
- 等待时机wait for an opportunity
- 等待时间 interrupt latency; lt latency time; queue time; queuing time; standby period; time waiting; time,latency; wait time (tw); waiting period; waiting time
- 等待时间短 low latency
- 环等待时间 ring latency
- 静待时机 bide one’s time
- 零等待时间 latency, zero; zero latency
- 萌动待时 waiting for the budding