- 迟 slow; tardy; dilatory
- 移 move; remove; shift
- 赔偿 compensate for; make compens ...
- 生态迟移 ecological succession
- 推迟移交 delays in delivery
- 延迟移交区 deferred possession area
- 赔偿 compensate for; make compensation; pay for; satisfaction; penalty; reparation 名誉赔偿 indemnity for defamation; 部分赔偿 partially compensate; 保险赔偿 insurance indemnity; 战争赔偿 war reparations; 风险赔偿 indemnity for risk; 伤亡赔偿 compensation for injuries and deaths; 损失赔偿 compensate for damage; 赔偿损失的义务 obligation of compensation for losses; 照价赔偿 compensate according to the cost; 他答应赔偿我的损失。he promised to indemnify me for my losses. 作了全部赔偿。a full amends was made.; 赔偿保证书 letter of indemnity; 赔偿代理人 claim settling agent; 赔偿范围 extent of compensation; 赔偿合同 indemnity contract; 赔偿契约 indemnity bond; bond of indemnity; 赔偿人 compensator; 赔偿条款 indemnity clause; 赔偿协定 reparations agreement; 赔偿选择(保险) settlement options; 赔偿责任 liability to pay compensation; liability for damages; 赔偿责任承保人 indemnity liability insurer
- 潮气水分迟移 moisture migration
- 索赔;赔偿;赔偿金 claim
- 报酬;赔偿 recompense
- 补偿,赔偿 compensate for
- 反赔偿 counter indemnity
- 归偿;赔偿 restitution
- 归还,赔偿 restitution
- 恢复,赔偿 restitute
- 矫正,赔偿 redress
- 赔偿,报答 recompense
- 赔偿,补偿 compensation
- 赔偿,化妆 pass out
- 赔偿,赔款 reparations
- 赔偿,偿还 recover or recoup
- 赔偿的 compensative; compensatory; reparative
- 赔偿法 beg; law of restitution; lawofrestitution
- 赔偿费 damages; compensation; indemnity◇赔偿费年度 benefit year
- 赔偿金 compensation money; compensatory payment; compensatorypayment; damages; indemnification; indemnity; ransom