对不交货要求赔偿的诉讼 action for compensation for nond livery
关于海损赔偿的几项规定 provisions on the indemnification of marine risks
国家赔偿的归责原则 principle of culpability for state compe ation; principle of culpability for state compensation
国家赔偿的双重过错原则 principle of dual faults for state compe ation; principle of dual faults for state compensation
就不交货要求赔偿的诉讼 action for compensation for nondelivery
His action sounds in damages . 他的诉讼具有要求赔偿的性质。
The jury normally has to determine the amount of award . 陪审团在正常情况下要决定赔偿的数量。
Including this recruit, i found my strength to amount to about $ 400 . 这笔赔偿的款子也算在内,我看我的财力差不多有四百美元。。
The buyer is not deprived of any right he may have to claim damages by exercising his right to other remedies . 买方可能享有的要求损害赔偿的任何权利,不因他行使采取其它补救办法的权利而丧失。
On the primary function of paying for mental hurt 不宜视为精神损害赔偿的主要功能
The insurer promises to pay by issuance of a policy 保险公司对保单做赔偿的承诺。
Legal application range of moral damage compensation 论精神损害赔偿的适用范围
They are the school ' s holders , or orga 第三,明确了事故赔偿的范围、项目和标准。
The judicial application on statutory damage of ip 知识产权法定赔偿的司法适用
With the compensation issue unresolved , recent incidents 因为赔偿的问题还没有解决,