- hesitated in giving a reply
- 迟疑 hesitate
- 不 a block of wood
- 答 answer; reply; respond
- 迟疑不决 be uncertain; irresolute; be undecided; cannot make up one's mind; hesitate; hesitate to make a decision 对于两件衣服中选哪一件她迟疑不决。 she hesitated over the choice between the two dresses
- 迟疑不决的 slow and hesitant as if lacking in confidence
- 迟疑不决地 doubtfully
- 迟疑不前 drag ones feet; drag one's feet
- 对于两件衣服中选哪一件她迟疑不决 she hesitated over the choice between the two dresses
- 迟疑 (拿不定主意) hesitate 迟疑不答 hesitated in giving a reply; 毫不迟疑 without a moment's hesitation; 迟疑者必有失。 he who hesitates is lost
- 不答应 disapprobation; disapproval; disapprove; non acceptance; nonacceptance
- 迟疑,搪塞 boggle
- 迟疑的 backward
- 迟疑地 hesitantly
- 拖延;迟疑 hold off
- 畏缩, 迟疑 be shy of
- 狐疑不决 (指遇事犹豫不决) be wavering and unable to decide; indecisive in one's mind; suspicious and undecided
- 惊疑不定 be anxious and doubtful
- 就疑不决 indeciso
- 避而不答 parry a question; avoid making any reply; evade an answer
- 不答应的 disapprobatory
- 低头不答 bend one's head down and make no answer; bend one's head and do not reply
- 缄口不答 make no reply at all
- 拒不答辩 stand mute of malice
- 礼无不答 all courtesies must be returned
- 死不答应 shut one's mind to