违背 violate; go against; run counter to 违背历史事实 be contrary to the historical facts; 违背良心的合同 unconscionable bargain; 违背人民的意志 go against the will of the people; 违背条约 violate a treaty; 违背原则 violate a principle; 违背诺言 break a promise; go back on one's word
事实 fact 与事实不符 not tally with the facts; 事实恰恰相反。 the facts are just the opposite.; the opposite is the case.; 事实错误 error of fact; mistake of fact; 事实含糊 ambiguity upon the factum; 事实婚姻 a de facto marriage; 事实问题 question of fact; 事实真象 sober truth; 事实证据 factual evidence; 事实证明 factual proof
Although the song was sung by guo song , he was not the original author , which is the historical truth if he is regarded as the author , that would injure the national feeling of the roche , even less if the copyright problem is discussed in the court 《乌苏里船歌》虽为著名歌唱家郭颂首唱,但并非原创,如果说其是该歌的原创作者,那是违背历史事实,伤害民族感情,更不应该还有人去为此讨教说法。