迷茫 1.(广阔而看不清) vast and hazy 远处一片迷茫。 it's vast and hazy in the distance.2.(迷离恍惚) confused; perplexed; dazed 迷茫的神情 a confused look
远处是连绵一片的草原 there is a reach of grassland in the distance
远处是一片黑糊糊的树林 a dark mass of trees loomed in the distance
远处 distance 那海岬伸向海洋远处。 the cape extends far into the ocean
远处黑压压的一片看不清是些什么东西 one couldn't make out what the dark mass was from a distance
一片 1.(用于成片的东西) a slice; a fardel; a tablet 一片面包 a slice of bread2.(用于地面和水面等) a stretch (of land); a sheet of (water) 一片草地 a marsh; 一片草木 a growth; 一片茂密的小树林 a dense grove; 敌人的基地成了一片火海。 the enemy base became a sheet of flames.3.(用于景色、声音、心意等) a scene (of rejoicing); a patter (of footsteps)